Saturday, April 27, 2013

Celebrating Forty Years of... Providing the Standard in IT Certification

A Dinner celebrating ICCP's 40th anniversary will be held on Saturday, May 4th at the Hotel del Coronado on Coronado Island in San Diego. All ICCP holders and their guests are welcome. 

We will recognize two new Fellows who have contributed to ICCP and to professionalism in general: Dr. Lynn McKell and Fred Harris, one of the founders of the ICCP.
During the evening we will be showing pictures of board members, office workers, and ICCP certificate holders from the early days. A few members who have been with us from those days will share their memories of that time and the founding activities. There will be a cocktail hour at 6 pm and dinner at 7pm. Past and present board members will be in attendance to reminisce and reflect upon the ICCP and what it has meant to them.

If you are in San Diego for any reason or are living in the area, consider joining us. If you are planning to attend Enterprise Data World, consider extending your stay to the weekend and celebrating with us.

To reserve email or call the ICCP office at 800-843-8227. The dinner is $75/person. The location is: Hotel del Coronado, 1500 Orange Ave., Coronado (San Diego), CA92118

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