ICCP has added a new specialty exam, Data Integration and Interoperability, which will apply toward the Certified Data Management Professional and Certified Business Intelligence Professional certification programs. It was a tremendous effort on the part of a dedicated team of industry professional to create this exam in 4 months.
ICCP's process is to encourage existing CBIP, CDMP and CCP holders to take the examination in Beta for free (to gather the needed
data on effectiveness of the exam questions.) Later if beta exam takers wish to convert it to a final (adjusted) score toward certification, or for their ongoing recertification education and renewal, they will be charged a discounted fee of $195.
The beta exams are typically available to DAMA and TDWI chapters for a limited time. Here's the current timing schedule that the ICCP Certification Council is working towards.
Beta Period:
Start - July 9
End - Oct 31
Review by - Nov 30
Final adjusted scores by - Dec 15
Please contact the ICCP office at
office2@iccp.org for more information about how this exam will apply toward a specific certification, or how you can arrange to take a beta exam.