Submitted by Dan Weller, CDMP
In conjunction with the San Francisco DAMA Day, the SF Chapter is sponsoring CDMP exams on December 8-9, 2010. There are still spaces available at all sessions of the CDMP exams. Exams will be given from 9:00 AM to Noon and 1:PM to 4:00 PM both days at San Francisco State University – Downtown Campus. Please follow the links below for more information or to register for the CDMP exams.
This is a great opportunity for you to start the CDMP certification process or to finish that one exam that you need to become certified. There are many study materials available to help you ace these exams.
However, it is interesting to note that not everyone encourages studying for the exams. Here is a statement on this concept from Mehmet Orun, MBA, CDMP (Mastery Level). Mehmet is a Sr. Manager of Data Architecture & Analysis at Genentech. He is also a past president and is currently the membership director of SF DAMA.
"I have a very different perspective on 'studying for the exams' as a manager of data professionals and spouse/son/son-in-law of educators. I prefer my staff to take the exam cold rather than studying DMBOK or other material first. This gives us a chance to review their scores and assess where their natural knowledge leaves them and based on their interest areas, we discuss what kind of training, mentoring, reading could further enhance their knowledge base."Mehmet’s statement is partially based on the fact that each applicant receives a detailed analysis of how he/she did on each exam. This analysis can be used to assess strengths and gaps in different DM subjects. If you manage DM personnel, you can take advantage of these tests to help with the development of your staff. Or, if you are a DM professional, you can take the tests to determine the areas where you should focus your study and experience to help with future exams and to round out your resume. There is no charge for any test that you take but do not pass (your score is less that 50%).
Although these exams are being offered concurrently with the annual SF DAMA Day event, you do not have to register for any DAMA Day event to participate in the exams.
Please note that these are CDMP exams only. We will not have the tests for other ICCP certifications. If you are planning on attending any DAMA Day sessions, you can drop in and take an exam any time the tests are offered. The schedule can be found at the website link above.
All candidates are asked to register for the exams, even if you have already registered for DAMA Day by sending an email to
If you have questions, contact Dan Weller, CDMP.